The CBP-PROC series of CalBench packages are our most popular solutions used in instrument workshops in oil & gas, mining, power and processing industries. They provide users with a single workstation for the testing, commissioning and periodic calibration of plant instrumentation and devices. They are also used for fault-finding, troubleshooting and diagnostics, as well as engineer and technician training.
These packages all provide a high level of automated calibration to enable users to rapidly test instrumentation such as pressure transmitters, gauges, RTDs and thermocouples. EasyCal calibration software is used on the CalBenches for all aspects of the testing process, from pre-calibration to certificate and report generation. The packages are complete solutions with required benchtop instruments and accessories included.
CBP-PROC1 CalBench Package
- Advanced instrumentation calibration bench
- Process calibrator/multimeter/PC module
- Source/measure V, I , Ω, frequency & more
- Simulate & measure RTDs, thermocouples
- Calibrate pneumatic, DP, hydraulic pressure
- Includes 2 dry block calibrators
- Pumps, manifolds, fittings, UUT stand
CBP-PROC1B CalBench Package
- Advanced process/pressure test bench
- Process calibrator/multimeter/PC module
- Source & measure V, I , Ω, frequency
- Simulate & measure temperature
- Calibrate pneumatic & hydraulic pressure
- Dry block calibrator included
- Pumps, manifold, adaptors & fittings
CBP-PROC2 CalBench Package
- Multifunction instrument calibration bench
- Process calibrator/multimeter/PC module
- Source/measure V, I , Ω, Hz, temperature
- Auto-pneumatic pressure controller module
- Regulate to 200 bar, measure to 700 bar
- Includes dry block calibrator, inserts pack
- Pumps, manifolds, fittings, UUT stand
CBP-PROC3 CalBench Package
- Instrumentation test & trainer bench
- Process calibrator/multimeter/PC module
- Source/measure V, I , Ω, Hz, temperature
- Regulated calibrator modules to 20 bar
- Digital gauge modules for 200 & 700 bar
- Fixed & variable DC power supply modules
- Pumps, manifold, dry block calibrator
CBP-PROC3B CalBench Package
- Instrumentation test & trainer bench
- Process calibrator/multimeter/PC module
- Source/measure V, I , Ω, Hz, temperature
- Regulated pressure module, vacuum to 7 bar
- Digital gauge modules for 20, 100 & 700 bar
- Fixed & variable DC power supply modules
- Pumps, manifold, dry block calibrator

- Product Ranges
- Decade Boxes
- Portable Voltage & Current Calibrators
- Electrical Multifunction Calibrators
- ATE / Bench Calibrators & Multimeters
- Electrical Test Equipment Calibrators
- Process Calibration Instruments
- Pressure Calibration Instruments
- Calibration Benches
- Calibration Software
- Accessories
- Discontinued Products
- Products by Function
- Calibration Benches
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